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apologies to people asking me for help with ipsec

Just want to issue a blanket apology to people who have e-mailed me for help with IPSec that I have not had time to respond to – I’ve been very busy lately, and unfortunately this has fallen on my priority list somewhat.

I’ve been considering posting a forum on my site, to help me better track requests for help – would this be useful to anyone? I’ve historically preferred the e-mail method, but many people don’t want to mail the Openswan list for some reason (or don’t get help there); I’m thinking that doing forum posts instead may help me get responses back to people who I’d otherwise miss (since the forum post will sit there forever, while my mailbox gets filled with other clutter.) Feel free to leave a comment and let me know if this would be helpful for you!

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  • Jay of Today November 14, 2006, 12:37 pm

    Hi Nate,

    Thanks for all the info and the good willingness you have shared with all of us.
    I would like to ask you if perhaps running a Wiki your blog could be an easy way out for all those emails you’ve been receiving lately.

    Have a nice week.


  • nc November 14, 2006, 12:58 pm


    Thanks for the reply!

    You actually read my mind. :) Because of the raw amount of e-mail I am receiving, I am looking at doing two things:

    1) Move my help pages into a Wiki-style format, so users can make edits to them and such, to fix any errors that may be in the documentation.

    2) Set up a ticketing system where users can request help, and both other users and myself can reply. The questions and replies will both be publicly accessible. I am thinking of using Request Tracker along with the RTFM module — if anyone has other suggestions on this, I’d love to hear them.


  • kalingarajan October 11, 2011, 1:51 am

    I have a question about VPN. I am Using Cisco 5505 Firewall with Cisco VPN Client,

    Its Connecting only Linux VPNs Only, But Cisco VPN Client windows Based Doesn’t connecting with this Hardware firewall.

    What is the problem and how to solve it, Please Guide me,

    Thanks in advance,

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